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Product code: 570270
Currently not available
10,90 €
Included VAT: (20%)
1,82 €
15 ml.


The patented POLY-HELIXAN® complex - a concentrated and filtered snail extract stimulates cell regeneration. It is produced from garden snail slime discharged under precisely controlled conditions which are then concentrated, filtered, and stabilized. No snails have been killed in the process of Poly-Helixan (snail secretion) production, they are treated and live in natural conditions.

100% Snail Extract can be used preventively to keep any type of skin in perfect state as well as for intensive action in the fight against signs of aging. It visibly reduces wrinkles, smoothes, and refreshes skin complexion, and is effective against pigment spots and acne scars.

The extract of snails has a unique composition that includes:

  • Allantoin - it stimulates skin cell regeneration; it has a soothing, healing, and smoothing effect.
  • Proteins - they improve the skin structure, smooth the surface, even the complexion, and give a fresh and radiant look.
  • Vitamins A, C, and E - are strong antioxidants; they stimulate collagen synthesis.
  • Alpha-hydroxy acids - they have a gentle exfoliating effect that helps skin renewal.
  • Mucopolysaccharides - they provide optimal hydration and protection.
  • Collagen and elastin - increase skin density and elasticity.

Directions for use: Use mornings and/or evenings alone or in combination with other cosmetic products. Gently rub 4-6 drops onto cleaned facial skin until fully absorbed.

Against Acne - Wash the skin thoroughly with warm water and soap to open the pores. Apply a few drops of pure snail extract and spread all over the skin surface affected by acne.

The snail filtrate is clear and transparent, water-like and odorless.

Keep away from direct sunlight!



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